
The information on ScholarlyTips.com is for your knowledge only. It’s a free resource for scholarship seekers, but things can change without notice. Always check the official scholarship websites for the latest updates (we provide links). Use our site responsibly.

We’re not affiliated with any scholarship providers unless we say so. Our material is for information only. Please make your decisions carefully.

We can’t control third-party scholarships, their accuracy, or their availability. Your reliance on such info is your responsibility.

We try to provide basic scholarship details and links. If something’s missing, it wasn’t available when we checked. Scholarship details can change, so always visit the official scholarship provider for the latest info.

We don’t give grants, prizes, or scholarships. If you’re told otherwise, be cautious—it might be a scam. We’re not responsible for any financial losses due to scams.

You can find links to other websites on our site. We can’t control those sites’ content or availability. Including links doesn’t mean we endorse them. We don’t guarantee the accuracy or quality of info on linked sites or that they’re free of viruses.

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